Saturday, September 01, 2007

Here are picture of me with my first patient. Some of the girls that arrived before me found him and told me of him within a few minutes of my arrival in the village. His name is Givey, and he had gotten a "thorn" wedged in his foot a week and a half earlier. It was in so deep that there was no getting it out, so his mom just wrapped a plastic bag around it. By the time we were there, an definite infection had set in. (These pictures do not do it justice!) Thankfully the next day we soaked his foot, and Kevin Zac tried looking around the wound for the thorn but could not pull it out. I took the tweezers then and was able to pull it out. ( I think Kevin could have done it, he just wanted me to have the fun!) What we pulled out was actually a approx 1x1/4 inch of rough wood. Something that would never have worked its way out on its own. Givey did not wimper, yell or even cry the whole time. I was absolutely amazed! Strong people definitely. Too used to a rough life!! Anyways, we washed it, medicated it and bandaged it almost every day we were there. When we got there, he was not walking on his foot. One of our interpreters carried him home that first night. When we left 9 days later, he was kicking the soccer ball and running all around. It was one of the few things that I was able to do that I really felt had a lasting effect! At least medically.


Mon said...

What a cool story!

Etrnty86 said...

Hi! Saw your site after searching for my name! Do you have an email address I can contact you at? Thanks.